Vietnam Giant Centipede

Vietnam giant centipede
(scolopendra dehaani)
Large species of centipede the body is usually reddish brown with orange/yellow legs. They have a pair of modified legs with sharp claws also known as forcipules. the forcipules are major tools used by the centipede to kill its prey. They have sharp claws that connect to venom glands. As there vision is poor they rely very much on touch.
Max size upto 20cm
Diet The centipedes prey is primarily insects, spiders and scorpions however it is large enough to overpower small animals such as small mice, birds and reptiles. In captivity the centipede can eat locusts, crickets, worms and cockroaches.
Life span 5-10 years
Temperature Room temperature should be perfectly suitable but if your house is rather cold below 20C night and day then a heat mat on the side of the tank should be used to help raise temperatures to 22-24C, make sure it doesn't get too warm. At higher temperatures such as 30C their metabolism will increase which means they may eat more and they will have a shorter life span.
Humidity 50-80%, You should provide a small shallow water bowl and mist the substrate well once every two days.
Housing Make sure it is at least double the length of the centipede and as least as wide as it. They do not require height although it is advised to make it taller then the centipede is long so it cannot press itself against the corners and stand on it's back legs, then escape. They can't actually climb up smooth surfaces though so as long as the enclosure is over 8 inches tall it should be secure.
The substrate should be something like natural soil or coco fibre, make sure it is free from fertilizers or pesticides. This should be about 5" deep as they do like to burrow sometimes. Decoration wise there not much is needed in the tank just provide something for it to hide under like a piece of cork bark or driftwood half buried in the substrate. Adding a layer of leave litter can also help achieve a natural environment.
Temperament they are very defensive and have a potent venom so handling is not recommend for this species or indeed any other species of centipede. This centipede is not suitable for beginners
Russell McRae