Venezuelan sun tiger tarantula

Venezuelan suntiger tarantula
(Psalmopoeus irminia)
A mid-sized species, typically reaching around 5-6″ in leg span, it has bright red "tiger" stripes across the abdomen and also the tips of the legs, all contrasted against a glossy black background. Little wonder, then, that these tarantulas have become so popular in recent years.
Origin: Venezuelan rain forest
Temperature: 25-28C
Humidity: 70-80%
Habitat/Lifestyle: Arboreal
Growth Rate: Medium maturing around 2 years
Temperament: unpredictable and very fast
Diet: insectivore
Lifespan: Females- 10-15 years, Males- 3-4 years
Handling: The Venezuelan Sun Tiger might be a beautiful tarantula to look at, but it is generally not suitable for handling or beginner keepers
Not only can it be very quick indeed, which makes it difficult to control, but we have little knowledge yet about the toxicity of their venom. Handling any tarantula should be carefully considered, due to the inherent risks to the animal, but this is especially so for fast-moving arboreal species. Like all members of Psalmopoeus , Ps. Irminia lack urticating hairs.
Russell McRae