Singapore blue tarantula

Singapore Blue Tarantula
(Lampropelma violaceopes)
The Singapore blue (Lampropelma violaceopes) is a large, arboreal species of tarantula from Malaysia and Singapore.
The appearance of this tarantula is what has made it so appealing to enthusiasts. The females are a striking blue with a darker abdomen. The males of this species do not sport such vibrancy in colour, however after reaching adulthood their colour will change from blue to green or yellow, or a mixture of both The Singapore blue is the largest tree dwelling tarantulas with the female growing up to an impressive 11 inches, the male slightly smaller. These tarantulas are not recommended for a beginner due to their aggressive temperament and will rarely tolerate handling. Unlike new world spiders they will not hesitate to give a nasty venomous bite.
Diet: With a hearty appetite there is not much this giant cannot take down. However it is important to provide your tarantula with a varied diet rich in nutrients. This can consist of insects, mice and beetles. They should be fed every other week as an adult
Temperature: 25-29C Daytime, 22-25C
Humidity: A little hideaway is appreciated but not always necessary. The humidity levels need to be kept well around the 70% mark.
Lifespan: An average lifespan. The females can live up to 14 years while the males live on average of five. The tree living variety of tarantulas such as this species, do not live as long as their terrestrial cousins do.
Mating: Like many species of tarantulas the female is far larger than the male. She can be temperamental to her potential suitor and has been said by enthusiasts that her making a meal of the male signifies a successful mating. The female which be more tolerable of the males attempts to mate with her after she has moulted. The male will drum with his petapalps to get the attention of the female. If she is ready to mate she will allow him to raise her up and inseminate her. If successful he will be able to move away before the female chooses to attack him.
Russell McRae