Sandfish skink

Sandfish Skink
(Scincus scincus)
The Sand Fish originates from Northern Africa, Saudi Arabia and Iraq where their natural habitat is in sandy deserts. They are members of the skink family and get their name from the way they resemble a fish in water by the way they "swim" through the sand.
When sand fish are fully grown they reach a manageable size of 7-8". This species have smooth scales, with flat toes that they use to move through the sand. They also have an up turned nose and a thick tail.
Sand fish are a hardy species, making them a good choice for a beginner. With the right care they can live for around 10 years. This species only requires a simple set up, which must include a sand substrate of approximately 6 inches deep to allow them to swim through the sand. Tank décor can be minimal, a few pieces of bark or plant laid over the top of the sand will be adequate.
Diet: Crickets, locusts, meal worms and wax worms make up the varied diet for a sand fish sprinkled with calcium powder.
Temperature: Basking area of 35C, Cool side 24C
Humidity: Very dry 25% Average
Enclosure size: minimum size of 24x12x15" bigger would be preferable
Russell McRae