Panther chameleon

Panther chameleon
(Furcifer pardalis)
Life span 5-7 years
Max size around 21 inches in length, Males tend to be larger than females.
Diet Feed a variety of gut-loaded insects such as crickets, mealworms, locusts, waxworms, and cockroaches of appropriate size
Day temperature During the day, Panther Chameleons prefer to bask at temperatures between 32-35C
Night temperature Should not drop below 21C
Humidity Ideal humidity for a panther chameleon is 50-60% humidity during the day and 75-100% humidity during the night and should be monitored using a hygrometer inside the enclosure.
Housing It is recommended to keep Panther Chameleons in an all mesh cage to allow for plenty of ventilation. Having the correct size set up is important to keep your chameleon healthy and happy.
Sexing Check for a hemi-penal bulge. Male panther chameleons have a small lump at the base of the tail, while females do not. Males tend to be larger. Panther chameleons all exhibit bright and varied coloration, but male panthers may be more colourful.
Breeding Male panther chameleons are able to mate at around 8 months old when they measure 10 to 12 inches long. Females may also mate at this age, but waiting until they are at least a year old, when they measure between 14 and 18 inches long, is best for their reproductive health. Gestation period is 20 to 30 days after mating where a clutch of around 10-40 eggs are produced. Eggs can hatch from around 6-9 months depending on the incubation temperature
Russell McRae