Orchid mantis

Orchid mantis
(Hymenopus coronatus)
The Orchid mantis originates from Malaysia and gets it's name for resembling a beautiful flower. This species of mantis is very popular due to their attractive appearance. They are mostly white with soft pink tinges around the petal like lobes on their legs. Some have more white than others and the pinkness can differ from mantis to mantis.
Suitability Suitable for beginners
Day temperature 21-26C
Night temperature minimum of 18C
Humidity Unlike other species of mantis, Orchids need a higher humidity, 60-80%.
Max size Adult females are larger than males and can reach a size of 7cm, with the males only reaching 2.5cm. The Orchid mantis is a quiet species, choosing to sit and wait for prey, rather than hunt.
Diet consists of appropriately sized crickets, locusts, fruit flies and curly wing flies, The Orchid mantis is a quiet species, choosing to sit and wait for prey, rather than hunt.
Housing A set up for this species can be very attractive, using fake or real flowers, foliage and moss, the minimum enclosure size of 20x20x30cm for an adult, Mantis should always be housed singularly.
Sexing female praying mantis will have 6 abdominal segments while males have 8
Life span 5-8 months
Russell McRae