Mourning gecko

Mourning gecko
(Lepidodactylus lugubris)
Origin Asia
Suitability Intermediate
Max size Potential Adult Size: 8 to 10cm
Behaviour Cathemeral (active at sporadic times over a 24-hour period)
Day temperature 26-29C top of enclosure, 21-24C bottom of enclosure
Night temperature 18-22C
Humidity 60-80%
Diet In captivity they eat a variety of invertebrates such as flightless fruit flies, small crickets, small locusts, and small Dubia roaches as well as powdered crested gecko diet.
Life span With proper husbandry they usually live 10-15 years. However, being parthenogenic, you can expect your enclosure to be near constantly filled with geckos for as long as it continues to be maintained.
Community Mourning geckos get on well with each other and can live in a colony suitably sized to their enclosure, it is recommended to remove fresh hatched young as they can sometimes be eaten by adult geckos.
Enclosure enclosure sizes can be as small as 20x20x30cm but I would recommend 45x45x45cm for a colony of 8-15
Handling Advanced (Due to speed and small size)
Breeding The mourning gecko is a parthenogenetic species, meaning they are basically all females and can reproduce without fertilization. This makes them very easy to breed, and you only need one to get babies! All babies are female clones of the mother
Russell McRae