Moorish gecko (crocodile gecko)

Crocodile gecko
(Tarentola Mauritanica)
Origin Mediterranean from France to North Africa
Life span Up to 15 years
Temperament Skittish and fast
Environment Dry, rocky areas
Max size Up to 15cm
Diet A varied diet of insects should be offered, such as locusts, crickets and worms with the odd pinkie mouse offered to adults. For young and juvenile Moorish Geckos, feed every day with the appropriate sized food. Adults can be fed every other day
Day temperature Although they are mainly nocturnal a basking area of 26-29C should be provided as they can be active during the day too.
Night temperature A drop down to room temperature during the night will be fine
Lighting As with any lizards, these geckos need a day and night cycle to help them stay healthy. A cycle of 12 hours with light, and 12 hours without is recommended. Even if not essential UVB lighting can be beneficial for nocturnal reptiles as Some of the perceived benefits include brighter coloration and stronger immune systems. There's also some evidence that UVB lighting helps to combat the effects of metabolic bone disorder.
Humidity 40-60%
Handling They should not be handled as they are nervous
Enclosure the size of the enclosure should be 45x45x45cm minimum
Decor Crocodile geckos come from rocky areas and will appreciate the addition of plenty of hiding places. One hide on each side of the enclosure may not be the best option for this gecko. Some keepers use non-toxic silicone to glue together slate and other similar stones to form hides. This way they can create rocky areas and distribute them throughout the habitat
Sexing Males have visible femoral pores, females do not
Breeding Moorish geckos have two or three clutches of eggs per year. Each clutch usually contains 2 eggs. Incubation time is 55 to 98 days
Russell McRae