Horned frog (pacman)

Horned Frog (Pacman Frog)
(Ceratophrys cranwelli)
Horned Frogs originate from South America. They are a terrestrial species that are often found buried just underneath the leaf litter on the forest floor.
They are a stout bodied frog with large mouths and small legs. They get their name from the horn-like shaped skin above their eyes. Most commonly they are 'moss green' coloured, with 'reddish brown' markings running throughout their bodies. Albino Horned Frogs have bright yellow bodies with orange markings, these are less common but are also popular among amphibian keepers. When fully grown, this species can reach up to 4-5 inches in length. They are sometimes known as "Pacman" frogs due their over-sized mouths and abdomen, hence resembling the popular computer game character.
They are great for beginner amphibian keepers as they are easy to look after. They should always be kept singularly, as they have big appetites and will eat anything that fits into their mouths, including other Horned frogs or a tasty looking finger. Being voracious predators, they must be housed individually. Care with feeding needs to be exercised as they will eat almost constantly to the point of causing damage to their own kidneys. This species should never be handled as they never become tame and can be known to bite people's fingers when they are in close proximity to a Horned Frog.
The set up for a Horned Frog is simple as they are not an active species, where they are mostly seen sitting in one place and do not climb. A relatively deep layer of coco fibre or garden peat will allow your frog to bury down into it. Adding live moss as an option that many reptile keepers add to their set ups. Bark or dead leafs make good hides. A shallow water dish can be provided, but Horned frogs are not good swimmers, so make sure there is easy access in and out.
Horned Frogs enjoy a varied diet of locusts, worms and pinkies. Dust with calcium D3 twice per week.
Although UVB Lighting is not required it is still a good idea to provide some lighting to make your terrarium visually appealing and to maintain proper light cycles. UVB can be very dangerous to albino species.
Temperature: Horned frogs are tolerant of a range of temperatures, but should be kept between 24-29C
Humidity: In the wild, they experience contrasting wet and dry seasons and because of this they are not particularly sensitive to humidity levels. Some keepers choose to put adult horned frogs through a period of aestivation where temperatures and humidity are reduced and feeding is stopped altogether. During this period, horned frogs are dormant and rely on stored fat deposits and a slowed metabolism in order to survive. A low wattage infra-red light bulb can be used to heat the cage if needed. Alternatively, heat pads can be attached to the side of their cage.
Russell McRae