Gooty ornamental tarantula

Gooty Ornamental Tarantula
(Poecilotheria metallica)
Poecilotheria metallica is an Old World species of tarantula. It is the only blue species of the genus Poecilotheria. Like others in its genus it exhibits an intricate fractal-like pattern on the abdomen. The species' natural habitat is deciduous forest in Andhra Pradesh, in central southern India.
This is one of the most desirable old world species of tarantula in the hobby. Its occurrence in the wild is extremely limited through deforestation and habitat destruction, and is now classified as critically endangered. Aggressive and defensive by nature, this species should not be handled under any circumstances.
Housing them in a well ventilated, humid, vertically orientated enclosure will ensure they thrive. Feeding is no issue as they readily feed on crickets and locusts.
Substrate such as coconut fibre, peat moss, or other soil should be several inches deep and kept damp, providing humidity of 75-80% in the enclosure. Being from the jungle in India these tarantulas will benefit from a warm environment. A temperature range of 25-29C during the day and 21-24C at night will best suit this species.
- Max Size: 6-8"
- Venom: "Strong." Depending the location of the bite and the amount of venom released, this might be a painful experience.
- Accessibility (1/beginner, 10/expert): 10.
- Growth rate: Fast
- Life expectancy: Females become up to 11-12 years old. Exceptions become 15 years old. Males are given a shorter lifetime of 3-4 years.
- Behaviour: The Poecilotheria-genus is known to be as beautiful as potentially dangerous. The spider will try to flee at first. Persistent provocation can result in a bite. The bites are very painful and can result in hospitalization. The species will create a asymmetric tunnel web, being mostly visible at night. Interesting is the fact Poecilotheria metallica can be kept communal. Provide a correct amount of food in order to prevent cannibalism. Don't put them together when they were once separated
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Russell McRae