Desert hairy scorpion

Desert Hairy Scorpion
(Hadrurus arizonensis)
The Desert Hairy Scorpion is the largest scorpion in North America. It is not a dangerous scorpion, to humans at least. Unless you are allergic to it, the Desert Hairy Scorpion's venom is pretty much harmless. This species is aggressive though, and will sting readily. Besides that, the only bad quality this scorpion has is that it can die if there is too much moisture in the tank. Being from the desert, the Desert Hairy Scorpion has adapted to getting its water from the animals it feeds on. An occasional light misting won't hurt, but if you live in a humid area, you should think this over before purchasing your scorpion. Desert Hairy Scorpions prove to be a popular scorpion species in captivity due to its size, beauty, and the fact that it is not a very dangerous species.
Range Deserts of southwest United States and northern Mexico.
Type Burrowing - Nocturnal
Diet Crickets, Locusts, Spiders and other Scorpions
Full Grown Size 4-6"
Growth Slow speed.
Temperature 23 to 29°C
Humidity 55 to 65%.
Temperament Aggressive and active.
Housing Enclosure Should have Plenty of roaming space and height is not considered necessary.
Substrate 3-4" of sand or desert substrate
Decor No decorations are really needed, but you can add a log, or driftwood.
Life Span 7-10 years- Can be more
Russell McRae