Curly Hair Tarantula

Curly Hair Tarantula
(Tlitocatl Albospilosum)
The curly hair tarantula has a round body covered with long bristles that have a slight curl, hence the spider's common name. Most of the bristles are a dark brown to black colour, but some are golden. This gives the spider an overall bronze sheen. Curly hair tarantulas are ground-dwelling, burrowing spiders native to Central America. And many are bred in captivity for the pet trade.
These spiders are generally calm, hardy, and easy to care for, making them ideal for those who are new to raising tarantulas as pets. They require housing that mimics their natural habitat, along with live prey. While some people do handle their tarantulas, they are mostly hands-off pets.
Diet: Curly haired tarantulas eat crickets, roaches, waxworms, and other insects. The food item should be appropriate to the size of the spider, food items should be offered every couple of days and a little less often as an adult.
Max size: Curly hair tarantulas have a leg span up to 5.8" (14.5cm) long.
Temperature: Curly hair tarantulas should be kept between 25-29°C.
Humidity: For proper curly hair tarantula care, the humidity should be somewhere between 60-70% which can easily be achieved by keeping a proper mix of substrate and a small water dish.
Lifespan: Male curly hair tarantulas may live 9-10 years and females up to 20 years.
Mating: You must put the male in the females enclosure , if all goes well he will hold the females fangs with his tibial hooks and inject his sperm into the female. You must be ready to separate them once they are done mating , if not the female might try to eat the male.
Russell McRae