Chinese mantis

Chinese mantis
(Tenodera sinensis)
The Chinese Mantis is a very common mantis species. Originally it only occurred in Asia, but because of international commerce it has been introduced in North America. There this species is thriving and can be found in almost the whole continent. The Chinese mantis is brown in colour with brown wings with a green edge.
Suitability Suitable for beginners, they are usually pretty docile and quiet but can strike a defence pose when threatened.
Day temperature 22-30C
Night temperature minimum 17C
Humidity 60-65%
Max size Chinese mantis can reach up to 5"
Diet insects no larger than twice the size of the mantis head, this can include crickets, locusts and worms etc..
Housing Chinese mantises can get over 4" as adults. The enclosure must have adequate ventilation and some kind of material on the ceiling of the enclosure which will allow the mantis to hang upside down during moulting, as well as an empty space at the top which is at least 2 times the size of the mantis.Mantis should always be housed singularly.
Sexing female praying mantis will have 6 abdominal segments while males have 8
Life span 6-9 months
Russell McRae