Boa constrictor

Boa constrictor
(boa constrictor)
The boa constrictor is a non venomous snake that kills its prey by squeezing them, hence the name "constrictor"
There are many different morphs available with no 2 boas being the same. This makes them a very attractive addition to any collection
Max size up to 10ft+
Life span up to 20 years
Day temperature The ideal temperature range at which to keep a boa constrictor would be 28-30C with a basking spot of 31-32C
Night temperature 26C
Humidity 60-70%
Diet Boas feed on a diet of defrosted mice at a young age and move onto larger prey as they grow such as rats rabbits
A water bowl that is big enough for the snake to fully submerge itself if it wants to should also be available. Fill only half full for water displacement.
Housing A good enclosure size for an adult boa constrictor is around 6 to 8 feet long, 2 to 3 feet wide, and 2 to 3 feet tall. The minimum size is around 10 square feet of floor space for a single snake. Hide boxes are essential to make your snake feel secure.
Orchid bark and coco fibre mixed together can be used for the substrate and is good to help maintain higher humidity. make sure to provide hides at both ends of the enclosure and include branches for climbing too.
Temperament Boa constrictors have a tendency to be quite feisty and will often hiss and strike as a form of defence. This behaviour can be changed with regular handling at a young age. Boa constrictors are not suitable for a first snake.
Breeding Boas don't lay eggs instead they give birth to litters called clutches. Ranging in size from 10-65, with an average of 25 babies per clutch and produce 1 clutch per year
Russell McRae