Central American banded gecko

Central American Banded gecko
(Coleonyx Mitratus)
Life span 8 to 12 years
Max size 4-5" from head to tail.
Habitat Woodlands to semi-arid areas
Diet The diet should consist of insects only such as locusts, crickets, worms and cockroaches, all of which should be the appropriate size.
Day temperature Ambient temperature of 23-26C with a basking spot of 32-33C
Night temperature Should not drop below 18C
Humidity 50-60%
Housing Minimum enclosure size for 2-3 adult geckos, 45x45x30cm
Decor Central American banded geckos spend the day hiding underground. Cork bark, upside down plant saucers, slate, and other similar items can be used as hides. Rocks, low driftwood, and other similar items can be provided as decor and climbing material, but any heavy cage items should directly supported by the bottom of the enclosure instead of being placed on top of the substrate.
Community males can be aggressive to one another and should not be housed together.
Sexing Males will have bulges at the base of their tail as well as femoral pores between their hind legs.
Breeding Females will lay pairs of eggs in the substrate or a humid hide if one is provided. The eggs can be carefully removed and incubated at 26-28C, they will then hatch in around 45-60 days
Russell McRae