Amazon tree boa

Amazon Tree Boa
(Corallus hortulanus)
Description: Amazon tree boas, also known as common tree boas, garden tree boas, and Ammies are found throughout South America in the rainforests. This species is highly arboreal preferring to drape on branches and exercise between tree limbs. Despite their preference for arboreal living amongst the thick and lush foliage of the rainforest, they are quite common in the fruit orchards caused by deforestation. The majority of Amazons are imported from areas surrounding Colombia and Suriname.
Amazons are a medium size nocturnal snake generally reaching 5-7 feet in length but with a rather thin sleek body. Despite their length and large heads, these snakes only weigh between 400 and 800 grams and are slow growers. One thing to consider with these boas is their long reach and defensive striking habit.
Lifespan: up to 20 years
Feeding: All prey should be offered during the evening hours due to nocturnal hunting. The size of the prey should be no larger than the width of their head.
Humidity: Ideally, the humidity should spike when misted, upward of 90 percent, and eventually dry out to about 50% ambient humidity.
Enclosure: a taller enclosure is needed as these snakes are arboreal and will need branches to climb on. A smaller enclosure for younger snakes is appropriate and upgrade as the snake gets larger so the snake feels secure in its habitat.
Russell McRae